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Global Mega Primarasa
JL Kauman
Global Mega Primarasa adalah perusahaan manufacturing berbagai makanan ringan yang berlokasi di Malang, Indonesia. Kita mencari distributors untuk produk-produk kita di seluruh Indonesia maupun luar negeri. Bermula dari kesederhanaan, perusahaan kami memiliki vision & mission sebagai berikut. VISION: To become a trusted and chosen brand in the snack industry; treating the world happy with quality and innovative confectionaries. MISSION: To Fulfill and satisfy our consumers' snacks cravings by focusing on taste, quality and innovation for each of our products. To be mindful and committed to these ideas, we seek to provide opportunities for growth and innovation to our employees in product development. And in everything we do, we strive for honesty, fairness and integrity.